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When managing a virtual blade through a Virtual Network Computing client, what does the address

The Central Manager’s IP address and the number of the virtual blade.

The IP address of the core WAE and the CPU used by the virtualization instance.

The IP address of the physical interface the virtual interface is bound to on the WAE and the virtual blade number.

The virtual blade IP address and the CPU that is being used for virtualization.

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
What two steps are necessary to enable virtualization on a WAVE? (Choose two.)
A. Enable the virtual blade.
B. Install the transport license.
C. WAE(config)# Virtual-Blade 1 enable
D. Install the virtual-blade license.
E. Reload the WAE.

Correct Answer: AD Section: (none) Explanation
Your customer has deployed Cisco WAAS using ACE for traffic interception. The customer reports that traffic is not being optimized. Which command would you use to troubleshoot network interception?
A. WAE-CORE# show wccp routers
B. WAE-CORE# show ip access-lists
C. ACE/Admin# show wccp routers
D. ACE/Admin# show rserver detail
E. router# show wccp services

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Users are having issues with HTTP being slow across the WAN, especially with a large number of objects on a single page. How can the Central Manager Connection Statistics screen be used to see only the HTTP connections?

A. By clicking the Create New button on an HTTP connection.
B. By typing 80 in the Filter Settings sourceport port field and clicking Submit.
C. By typing 80 in the Filter Settings destination port field and clicking Submit.
D. By typing HTTP in the Filter Settings destination field and clicking Submit.

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation

When trying to attach to Virtual Blade 3 with a VNC client, there is no response. What change should be made to enable VNC access in the Central Manager screen shown?
A. Reload the WAE.
B. Click the Start Transfer button.
C. Click the Start Virtual Blade button.
D. Click Virtual Blades under Virtualization and then click Start VB 3.

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
This list identifies some of the tasks that should be performed when deploying a Central Manager WAE. What is the correct order for these tasks to be performed when deploying a Central Manager WAE using CLI manually?
Configure the device mode.

Enable the Central Manager role.

Assign a primary interface.

Enable Central Manager service.
A. 4, 1, 3, 2
B. 1, 4, 3, 2
C. 3, 1, 2, 4 D. 2, 1, 3, 4

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation
A WAAS mobile user is experiencing poor performance that is not experienced when WAAS mobile is disabled. What is the first troubleshooting step?
A. Turn off the WAAS mobile client.
B. Turn on the WAAS mobile client.
C. Turn off the WAAS mobile server and run applications natively.
D. Generate a system report while the network performance is occurring.

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation

You work as a network engineer at Your company. You study the exhibit carefully.When troubleshooting
video licensing on a WAE, this Central Manager output is displayed.
Which two steps should be taken to enable the video license? (Choose two.)

A. Restart the WAE
B. Select the Enterprise Check Box
C. Select the Video Check Box
D. Select the Virtual-Blade Check Box

Correct Answer: BC Section: (none) Explanation
How to verify that the WAE has joined a Microsoft Windows domain correctly?
A. Click the Show Authentication Status button in Central Manager
B. Use the Windowsnetstat command
C. Use the Windowsnbtstat command
D. Execute the show windows-domain command on the WAE

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation

You work as a network engineer at Your company. You study the exhibit carefully.
The following diagram displays the Cisco WAAS configuration for your customer. Which WCCPv2
interception configuration should be applied to interface Serial0?

A. Redirect in / service group 62
B. Redirect out / service group 62
C. Redirect in / service group 61
D. Redirect out/service group 61

Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
What important troubleshooting information will you draw for the Video Accelerator from the WAE#show stat accelerator video?
A. Whether or not the WAE(Config)#accelerator video enable command has been issued
B. Troubleshooting of the Video Accelerator can only be done through the Central Manager GUI
C. The total Non-Windows Media and Non-Live Video Streams
D. The license status of the Video Accelerator

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation Explanation/Reference:
In a WAAS Application Traffic Policy, which three match conditions are valid for traffic classifies? (Choose three.)
A. Subnet
B. TCP Port
C. IP Address
D. Routing
E. UDP Port
F. Routed protocol

Correct Answer: ABC Section: (none) Explanation
When must WCCPv2 redirect exclusion be configured on the routers?
A. When redirect in is used on the WAN interface only
B. When redirect out is used on any interface
C. When redirect in is used on the LAN interface only
D. When redirect in is used on any interface

Correct Answer: B Section: (none) Explanation
Effective device permissions such as access and configure are the summations of which two elements? (Choose two.)
A. Authentication provides assignments to that user
B. Roles assigned to that user
C. Policy maps assigned to that user
D. Domains assigned to that user

Correct Answer: BD Section: (none) Explanation
One of your customers has configured traffic interception by use of PBR and four core WAE appliances. The customer has discovered that Cisco WAAS is not load-balancing across the WAE appliances and would like to know how to diagnose the problem. What will you tell your customer?
A. The PBR route map on the edge router is configured incorrectly
B. The inbound access list on the core router is configured incorrectly
C. IP SLAs are configured incorrectly
D. PBR uses only the first-available nexthop, only one WAE is used at a time

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Which two options are available for Cisco WAAS file-service integration? (Choose two.)
A. Nontransparent not appearing as a node on the remote office LAN
B. Transparent appearing as a node on the remote office LAN
C. Nontransparent appearing as a node on the remote office LAN
D. Transparent not appearing as a node on the remote office LAN

Correct Answer: CD Section: (none) Explanation
What two steps are necessary to enable virtualization on a WAVE? (Choose two.)
A. Enable the virtual blade.
B. Install the transport license.
C. WAE(config)# Virtual-Blade 1 enable
D. Install the virtual-blade license.
E. Reload the WAE.

Correct Answer: AD Section: (none) Explanation
The Cisco WAAS design for your customer calls for the Central Manager to be deployed on the Core WAE, which is a Cisco WAE-612 with 2-GB RAM. The customer initially configured the WAE as an application accelerator and then issued the device mode central-manger command to enable Central Manager Service. The customer reports that the WAE is no longer accelerating traffic. What is the problem?
A. The device mode central-manager command must be issued before the device mode application-accelerator command
B. Central Manager is consuming too much CPU time on the WAE. The Central Managerservice should be implemented on a less-utilized edge-WAE
C. Central Manager and Application Accelerator cannot be deployed on the same WAE
D. At least 4 GB of RAM must be installed for the WAE to serve as both Central Manager and Application Accelerator

Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation Explanation/Reference:
Which two options are available for Cisco WAAS file-service integration? (Choose two.)
A. Nontransparent not appearing as a node on the remote office LAN
B. Transparent appearing as a node on the remote office LAN
C. Nontransparent appearing as a node on the remote office LAN
D. Transparent not appearing as a node on the remote office LAN

Correct Answer: CD Section: (none) Explanation
A WAAS mobile user is experiencing poor performance that is not experienced when WAAS mobile is disabled. What is the first troubleshooting step?
A. Turn off the WAAS mobile client.
B. Turn on the WAAS mobile client.
C. Turn off the WAAS mobile server and run applications natively.
D. Generate a system report while the network performance is occurring.

Correct Answer: D Section: (none) Explanation
Effective device permissions such as access and configure are the summations of which two elements? (Choose two.)
A. Authentication provides assignments to that user
B. Roles assigned to that user
C. Policy maps assigned to that user
D. Domains assigned to that user

Correct Answer: BD Section: (none) Explanation

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